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5:00 p.m. - 2011-09-03
on my way down south to see my family today i saw a big red cow in the fields. it was very shaggy and had long pointy horns. my brother works at the meatworks, i thought i would ask him what kind of cattle it was. he told me, how should i know i just kill the buggers.

mum and i took my elderly scottish aunt out for a trip to the botanic gardens and to see the aviary. it's an old-person activity, guaranteed to please. we drove past a man working on the road. i mean he was bent right over with his arse in the air, and putting a pipe into the ground.

mister, what a temptation! my aunt called.

then we got to the aviary and looked at all the birds. at the end there was a cockatoo named jimmy, he was pretty cool. we made clucky noises and spoke to jimmy for a while then decided it was time to take my aunty back to her home. we started to walk away.

bye bye! jimmy called after us.

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