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8:02 p.m. - 2009-07-21
the thing i miss most about chch is riding the buses. i used to pretty much abuse the system and ride the loop until one stop before i got on, thus getting my full $2.50 fare worth. buses are kind of cool because you see some pretty interesting people if you are into people-watching.

like there was this one time recently i when i was the only one trapped on the bus because the driver obviously needed to do weeze so he locked the bus behind him because we were sitting in the middle of linwood. anyway, this guy comes up to the bus wearing this super cool coat and with peroxide blonde hair and skinny jeans and freddy mercury lips. i smiled at him because i was stuck on the bus and he wanted on. he smiled back and when he got on the bus he said, hello. then walked to a seat in the middle. i thought that was the end of it until the bus stopped later and he walked past me especially to say goodbye.

oh man i wish i had made him my friend, but then maybe people would think i was a fag hag. which i guess i totally would be, if only i had more gay friends.

[queen :: body language]

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